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210122 KKI ANNC

【English Below】





〇今週カリキュラム (J-8)
➡テーマ: 周りの人が間違えを犯さないように、父なる神様のことばを知る必要がある
➡バイブル: イエス様の誘惑
➡祈り: 神様のことばを持ってない人のために祈る
➡生活への適応: 神様のことばを生活に適応
➡クリエーション: 砂漠 


〇(中止)1/25() Field Trip遠足 


1/28() Bible Cafe バイブルカフェ


*時間: 13:00~14:30

*場所: 多目的ホール   


*Some friends have shoes which don't fit their feet. They might trip over and get hurt so please check both your child's inside and outside shoes. Please bring a new pair or put insoles if it doesn't fit well.

*Please do not forget to have a look at your child's pictures in the photo order website and see how your child has been doing in preschool. 🙂


〇This week's unit (J-8)

→Theme: We are to know what God our Father says in the Bible so others cannot lead us to make wrong choices

→Bible: The temptation of Jesus
→Prayer: Praying for those who don't have God's word
→Practical Application: God's word on key issues in a child's week
→Creation: Deserts


〇(CANCELLED)1/25(Mon) Field Trip


1/28(Thu) Bible Cafe

We will take a look together about what the children have been learning in preschool. If you have any questions or if there is anything you want to know, please feel free to ask us.

Time: 13:00~14:30                                                            

Place: Multi-purpose Hall    

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