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Thanksgiving Party


もともとはアメリカの先住民がイギリスから移民したピルグリムファーザーズを手助けしたのが一番最初の感謝祭 “Thanksgiving” ですが、今では家族が集まり、「感謝」を思い出す、アメリカやカナダではとても大切なイベントになっています。



Four families joined our Thanksgiving event today. Thank you so much for coming!

The first Thanksgiving was held when the Native Americans helped the Pilgrims long time ago and now it is an important holiday for families to gather and give thanks together in the States and in Canada.

Advent started on the 27th this year. Advent is the time to wait for Jesus Christ, the Messiah to be born.

Our Christmas Event will be on Friday, December 16th. All spots are full but we can put you on our waiting list. Feel free to contact us if you’re interested!

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