〇今週カリキュラム (J-19)
-テーマ: イエス様は生きておられる!
-聖書箇所: マタイ28:1-10, ルカ24:13-35
-CDトラック#31 Jesus Says Don’t Be Afraid
-バイブル: イエス様が弟子たちに姿を現す
-祈り: イエス様が生きておられることをお祝いしよう!
-生活への適応: イエス様は私たちを導き、守り、そなえてくださる
-クリエーション: お花
〇4/14(水) 1st Term Orientation 1学期オリエンテーション
*時間: 13:30~
*場所: 多目的ホール
Welcome new family and friends! Yoroshiku all for this year.
*Please bring your child's emergency bag if you haven't brought it yet.
〇This week's unit (J-19)
→Theme: Jesus is alive!
→Bible: Jesus appears to His followers
→Bible verses: Matthew 28:1-10, Luke 24:13-35
→Scripture song: #31 Jesus Says Don’t Be Afraid
→Prayer: Celebrate! Jesus Lives!
→Practical Application: Jesus is alive to lead, protect, and provide for us
→Creation: Flowers
〇4/14(水) 1st Term Orientation
(Available parents)
We will do orientation for 1st term.
*Time: 13:30~
*Place: Multi-purpose hall