Announcement / Blogお知らせ・ブログ

20210416 KKI










-聖書箇所マタイ28:1-10, ルカ24:13-35

-CDトラック#31 Jesus Says Don’t Be Afraid




-聖書箇所ルカ24:50-53, 使徒 1:1-11

-CDトラック: #32 Jesus Christ Died for Us
祈り:  イエス様の名前で祈る


〇4/23() キッズコーチング学び会@Cafe Merveille


*時間: 13:00-14:30

*場所カフェ メルヴェイユ




Hi this is Kingdom Kids. 

Our students are getting used to the new groups of friends. We hope they will be able to build good relationship with each other. 

*All students except new students are taking home their Renraku/Contact cards. 

Please check if there are any updates and bring it back next week. 

If there are any changes, please use the new form that we are giving you with the original one.

*We usually hand out a written schedule of school lunch and snack, but we will start using Codomon from May schedule.

*For all students except new students, we are taking orders of graduation DVD and Yearbook on Codomon. The deadline is Wednesday, April 21st.


〇This week's unit 

→Theme: Jesus is alive! 

→Bible: Jesus appears to His followers

→Bible verses: Matthew 28:1-10, Luke 24:13-35

→Scripture song: #31 Jesus Says Don’t Be Afraid

→Prayer: Celebrate! Jesus Lives!
→Practical Application: Jesus is alive to lead, protect, and provide for us
→Creation: Flowers


→Theme: Jesus is always praying for us

→Bible: The Ascension of Jesus

→Bible verses: Luke 24:50-53, Acts 1:1-11

→Scripture Song: #32 Jesus Christ Died for Us

→Prayer: Praying in Jesus' Name
→Practical Application: Jesus Works on our Behalf
→Creation: Gravity


〇4/23(Fri) Kids Coaching Study

Theme: “Questions

Time: 13:00-14:30

Place: Merveille Café

Fee: 800yen for Kingdom Kids parents (including one free drink)

Please use the QR code on the flyer or newsletter to make a reservation.

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