Announcement / Blogお知らせ・ブログ

20210312 KKI ANNC

*English Below*


【To Graduates】



【To Junior, Freshmen, and Pre-freshmen friends】


〇今週カリキュラム (J-17)

➡テーマ: イエス様が弟子の心をととのえる
➡バイブル: イエス様が弟子に死んでよみがえることを説明する
➡祈り: わからないこと、不安がある人のために祈る
➡生活への適応: 悪い状況から良いものがでてくる
➡クリエーション: 蝶


〇3/19() キッズコーチング学び会@Cafe Merveille


*時間: 13:00-14:30

*場所カフェ メルヴェイユ




【To Junior, Freshmen, and Pre-freshmen friends】


Please have your child wear school t-shirt and only bring his/her drink bottle.

Please come to school between 9:10-9:20. (At the deck side as usual.)

Please come and pick your child up between 11:15-11:25. (At the deck side as usual. No open playground.)

If you have a sibling who is a senior, please have your senior child come to the multi-purpose hall later. You can take them home together after the ceremony. Thank you for your cooperation.


〇This week's unit (J-17)
→Theme: Jesus prepares His disciples
→Bible: Jesus tells His disciples that He will die and live again
→Prayer: How God brought good things out of bad situations
→Practical Application: Response to offenses
→Creation: Butterflies


3/19(Fri) Kids Coaching Skill Up Study

Theme: ListeningApproval

Time: 13:00-14:30

Place: Merveille Café

Fee: 800yen for Kingdom Kids parents (including one free drink)

Please use the QR code on the flyer or newsletter to make a reservation.

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