今週のクリエーションでは筋肉について学び、自分の意思で動かすことのできる随意筋 "Voluntary muscles"と自分の意思で動かすことのできない不随意筋 "Involuntary muscles"のお話をしました。不随意筋は内臓の筋肉です。小腸は長さが5~7mもあることを知り、みんなビックリしていました!
-テーマ: イエス様の名前によって人々の為に祈る
-聖書箇所: 使徒3:1-10
-CDトラック: #34 The Lord Is My Strength
-バイブル: ペテロとヨハネが乞食のために祈る
-祈り: 祈りが必要なグループの為のいのり
-生活への適応: 神様が祈りにこたえてくださった証
-クリエーション: 筋肉系
〇5/24(月) Mama Teacher Orientation ママティーチャーオリエンテーション
*時間: 13:30~14:30
*場所: 多目的ホール
〇5/27(木) Field Trip遠足→6/7に延期
〇5/28(金) キッズコーチング学び会@Cafe Merveille
*テーマ: 「沈黙」&「介入のスキル」
*時間: 13:00-14:30
*場所: カフェ メルヴェイユ
*参加費: キングダム保護者価格で800円!(ドリンク付)
We learned about "muscles" for our Creation lesson. We all have voluntary and involuntary muscles and our involuntary muscles which are our organs, move without our conscious. Our students were so surprised to know our small intestines are 5-7 meters long!
【Announcement about recycling】
Thank you all for your cooperation every month. The recycling company come on different days to collect "paper and aluminum cans" and cardboard.
Please separate the paper and cardboard, and put paper on the top and cardboard on the bottom of the shelf. But it is okay to put paper in the card board box and put it on the top if the card board box is used as a box.
*This week's unit (J-22)
→Theme: We can pray for people in the Name of Jesus
→Bible: Peter and John pray for the lame beggar
→Prayer: Praying for needs among your group
→Practical Application: Testimonies of how God has answered prayer
→Creation: The human muscular system
〇5/24(Mon) Mama Teacher Orientation
(Available Senior students’ parents)
We will do an orientation for mama teachers for senior students’ parents. It’s been a while since you’ve joined orientation so please participate.
Also, you cannot come to school as mama teacher if you have not participated in orientation at all.
*Time: 13:30~14:30
*Place: Multi-purpose hall
〇5/27(Thu) Field Trip→POSTPONED to 6/7
〇5/28(Fri) Kids Coaching & Skill Up Study
*Theme: “Silence”& “Intervention”
*Time: 13:00-14:30
*Place: Café Merveille
*Fee: 800yen for Kingdom Kids parents (including one free drink)
Please use the QR code on flyer or newsletter to make a reservation.