この日はみんなで体を動かして英語うたを歌ったり、ビンゴをしたりしました。そしてスペシャルゲスト!カナダ出身のMs. Hannahが英語絵本を読んでくれましたよ♪
★次回レッスン日: 3/19 (火) 13:45-14:30
★4月レッスン日: 4/9 & 30 (火) 13:45-14:30
On this day, we sang fun action songs and played bingo together. And we had a special guest! Ms. Hannah from Canada read a book for us. Thank you!
★Next lesson:
Tuesday, March 19th at 1:45pm to 2:30pm
★Lesson dates in April:
Tuesday, April 9th & 30th at 1:45pm to 2:30pm
★We have English lessons with around 18m/o to 36m/o children and parents. Please contact us if you are interested!