*English Below*
①7/16(金) 11:30-12:00
②8/20(金) 10:30-11:00
◆料金: 各500円
◆対象: 2ヶ月〜3歳のお子様と保護者
◆内容: イングリッシュタイム
◆申込み: メール kingdomkids932007@gmail.com
・当日は、Merveille - メルヴェイユ でのレッスンになります。スロープを上がって、カフェ入り口からお入りください。
Don’t miss our English event for parents and kids!
◆Date (Time):
①Friday, July 16th (11:30am-12:00pm)
②Friday, August 20th (10:30am-11:00am)
◆Price: 500yen per class
◆Age: 2-36months (accompanied by a guardian)
◆Contents: English time
◆Please email us: kingdomkids932007@gmail.com to make a reservation.
・Max 4 families can join but we will adjust the number depending on the number of siblings who are going to join.
・Please refrain from coming if you or your child is not feeling well.
・The lesson will be at Merveille - メルヴェイユ so please go up the slope and enter from the café entrance.
・Parents are required to wear masks.